2007年2月2日 星期五

Shame (In the Name of Hate)





布希政府打壓全球暖化研究 美國國會眾議院昨天就氣候暖化科學研究舉行調查聽證會,美國科學家和支持抑制溫室氣體排放的團體作證稱,布希政府有系統地干預美國氣候專家的研究工作,刪除其科學報告中凸顯全球暖化之嚴重的內容,藉以避免對布希政府的政策立場形成壓力。 http://news.chinatimes.com.tw/2007Cti/2007Cti-News/2007Cti-News-Content/0,4521,110504+112007020100078,00.html#



小布希政府不僅不在乎地球的滅亡,他們更不在乎正義!根據中時林博文前日的報導,華裔第二代女檢察官林劍華(Carol Lam)不畏共和黨與軍火商集結的強大政治壓力,將敗德惡行、貪腐成風的南加州聖地牙哥老牌共和黨眾議員杜克.康寧漢繩之以法後,即被聯邦司法部免職。小布希政府試圖保護「自家人」的醜陋作法,引發美國媒體的強烈反彈,《紐約時報》甚至發表社論痛批司法部並聲援林劍華。

說到這裡,我要以沉重的心情,改寫一首我的偶像搖滾樂團U2在專輯The Unforgettable Fire裡的歌Pride (In the Name of Love),獻給憎恨人類、地球和正義的小布希、錢尼及其跟班們。Pride (In the Name of Love)原本是獻給民權牧師小馬丁路德金的,歌頌偉人高貴的情操。


Shame (In the Name of Hate)

One man come in the name of hate
One man come and piss.
One man come he to stupefy
One man to overblow.

In the name of hate
What more in the name of hate.
In the name of hate
What more in the name of hate.

One man slack with White House friends
One man he resent
One man fucked up with an empty brain
One man glorified with a hype.

In the name of hate
What more in the name of hate.
In the name of hate
What more in the name of hate.

Early afternoon, February eleven
Shot birds out under the Texas sky.
Fool at last, they took your shit
They could not take your shame.

In the name of hate
What more in the name of hate.
In the name of hate
What more in the name of hate.

In the name of hate
What more in the name of hate.
In the name of hate
What more in the name of hate.


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