The Sky of Gene - 再回《回答:回〈美國牛肉的迷思 – 謠言與事實 Q&A〉》
The Sky of Gene - 回〈美國牛肉的迷思 – 謠言與事實 Q&A〉
The Sky of Gene - 美國牛肉事件是單純的科學問題嗎?
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The Sky of Gene - 群萌亂舞的嘴炮文
The Sky of Gene - 科學知識傳播的原則
The Sky of Gene - 重啟美國牛肉談判!!!
The Sky of Gene - 機車與美國牛肉之我見
The Sky of Gene - 〈群魔亂舞的美國牛肉〉的科學依據
The Sky of Gene - 美國牛肉事件中,台灣學者專家之意見
The Sky of Gene - 【分享】台大博士生吃牛糞漢堡抗議美國牛肉進口
The Sky of Gene - 群魔亂舞的美國牛肉
The Sky of Gene - 請用您的行動,拒吃美國牛肉!!!
The Sky of Gene - 請用您的行動,來告訴雀巢公司:我們真的受夠無良黑心廠商了!
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The Sky of Gene - 救命飲食(The China Study)
The Sky of Gene - 我們到底要吃什麼?(上)
The Sky of Gene - 我們到底要吃什麼?(下)
The Sky of Gene - 靠夭,我們吃的到底是什麼!?(上)
The Sky of Gene - 靠夭,我們吃的到底是什麼!?(下)
The Sky of Gene - 靠夭,那是給人吃的嗎?!
The Sky of Gene - 世界又熱、又平、又擠(上)
The Sky of Gene - 世界又熱、又平、又擠(中)
The Sky of Gene - 世界又熱、又平、又擠(下)
2009年11月3日 星期二
Gene Ng
張貼留言 (Atom)
17 則留言:
日 安
引用: http://im88.tw/?p=1446
"2. 牛肉煮熟後就好?
6. 請問我是不是不吃牛肉就好?
到底高溫能不能徹底消毒? 網路答案不一
經由輸血的感染...? 那該怎麼辦...
研究狂牛症獲諾貝爾獎學者:不敢吃美國牛肉 : http://newtalk.tw/news_read.php?oid=1510
引用的網址如有爭議,請版主刪除. 謝謝.
有論文的確發現600 °C的高溫把感染了prion的腦組織烤15分鐘化成灰了,灰燼居然還有感染力,不過在1000 °C在高溫下焚燒,就會完全失去感染力:
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Mar 28;97(7):3418-21.
New studies on the heat resistance of hamster-adapted scrapie agent: threshold survival after ashing at 600 degrees C suggests an inorganic template of replication.
Brown P, Rau EH, Johnson BK, Bacote AE, Gibbs CJ Jr, Gajdusek DC.
Laboratory of Central Nervous System Studies, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA. brownp@ninds.nih.gov
One-gram samples from a pool of crude brain tissue from hamsters infected with the 263K strain of hamster-adapted scrapie agent were placed in covered quartz-glass crucibles and exposed for either 5 or 15 min to dry heat at temperatures ranging from 150 degrees C to 1,000 degrees C. Residual infectivity in the treated samples was assayed by the intracerebral inoculation of dilution series into healthy weanling hamsters, which were observed for 10 months; disease transmissions were verified by Western blot testing for proteinase-resistant protein in brains from clinically positive hamsters. Unheated control tissue contained 9.9 log(10)LD(50)/g tissue; after exposure to 150 degrees C, titers equaled or exceeded 6 log(10)LD(50)/g, and after exposure to 300 degrees C, titers equaled or exceeded 4 log(10)LD(50)/g. Exposure to 600 degrees C completely ashed the brain samples, which, when reconstituted with saline to their original weights, transmitted disease to 5 of 35 inoculated hamsters. No transmissions occurred after exposure to 1, 000 degrees C. These results suggest that an inorganic molecular template with a decomposition point near 600 degrees C is capable of nucleating the biological replication of the scrapie agent.
PMID: 10716712 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Environ Sci Technol. 2004 Nov 15;38(22):6155-60.
Infectivity studies of both ash and air emissions from simulated incineration of scrapie-contaminated tissues.
Brown P, Rau EH, Lemieux P, Johnson BK, Bacote AE, Gajdusek DC.
Laboratory of CNS Studies, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, and Div. of Environmental Protection, Office of Research Facilities Development and Operations, NIH, US Dept. of HHS, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA. paulwbrown@comcast.net
We investigated the effectiveness of 15 min exposures to 600 and 1000 degrees C in continuous flow normal and starved-air incineration-like conditions to inactivate samples of pooled brain macerates from hamsters infected with the 263K strain of hamster-adapted scrapie with an infectivity titer in excess of 10(9) mean lethal doses (LD50) per g. Bioassays of the ash, outflow tubing residues, and vented emissions from heating 1 g of tissue samples yielded a total of two transmissions among 21 inoculated animals from the ash of a single specimen burned in normal air at 600 degrees C. No other ash, residue, or emission from samples heated at either 600 or 1000 degrees C, under either normal or starved-air conditions, transmitted disease. We conclude that at temperatures approaching 1000 degrees C under the air conditions and combustion times used in these experiments, contaminated tissues can be completely inactivated, with no release of infectivity into the environment from emissions. The extent to which this result can be realized in actual incinerators and other combustion devices will depend on equipment design and operating conditions during the heating process.
PMID: 15575075 [PubMed - indexed
We here report that once again, despite the nearly total destruction of over 109 LD50, and individual bioassay animal caging to avoid any possibility of cross-contamination, an ashed sample of scrapie-infected tissue transmitted disease after having been exposed to 600 °C for 15 min, and once again, we found no survival after exposure to 1000 °C. We also show that no infectivity escaped into air emissions from 15 min test burns at either 600 or 1000 °C.
Whatever the mechanism of this minimal level of survival in extreme heatwhether a result of incomplete combustion, the existence of a mineralized template for replication, or some other unimagined phenomenonit may be concluded that the exposure under carefully controlled laboratory conditions of a small sample of contaminated tissue to 1000 °C, under either an oxidizing or reducing atmosphere, will ensure complete sterilization of the ash and emissions. Exposure at 600 °C allows a minimal level of infectivity to persist in the ash but generates air emission products that are noninfective.
只要用1000 °C去燒,就能完全讓Prion失去活性。
# Immerse in a pan containing 1N NaOH and heat in a gravity-displacement autoclave at 121°C for 30 minutes; clean; rinse in water; and then perform routine sterilization processes.
# Immerse in 1N NaOH or sodium hypochlorite (20,000 parts per million available chlorine) for 1 hour; transfer instruments to water; heat in a gravity-displacement autoclave at 121°C for 1 hour; clean; and then perform routine sterilization processes.
# Immerse in 1N NaOH or sodium hypochlorite (20,000 parts per million available chlorine) for 1 hour; remove and rinse in water, then transfer to an open pan and heat in a gravity-displacement (121°C) or in a porous-load (134°C) autoclave for 1 hour; clean; and then perform routine sterilization processes.
Haemophilia. 2006 Mar;12 Suppl 1:8-15; discussion 26-8.
Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: risk of transmission by blood transfusion and blood therapies.
Ironside JW.
University of Edinburgh, National CJD Surveillance Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK. james.ironside@ed.ac.uk
In the last decade, a new variant of the human prion disease Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (now known as variant CJD or vCJD) was identified and causally linked to dietary exposure to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) during the 1980s and early 1990s. Preliminary studies in animal models suggest that prions can be transmitted by blood. Based on two recent reports of iatrogenic vCJD transmission by blood transfusion in humans, a Department of Health-sponsored risk assessment warned that recipients of plasma therapies are now at risk of contracting vCJD from potentially infected donors. It is believed that all the population may be susceptible to vCJD infection, although clinical cases have so far occurred only in methionine homozygotes at codon 129 in the human prion protein gene. A non-invasive blood-based diagnostic assay is urgently needed. Because the incubation period may be upwards of 40 years and there is no reliable screening test, it is currently unknown how many people may be in an asymptomatic phase of vCJD infection in the UK. However, there remains a distinct possibility that some infected patients may never develop clinical symptoms but will remain asymptomatic carriers who can potentially transmit the disease to other individuals. Therefore, screening of infectious individuals will be a critical component for individuals who rely on blood transfusions and/or blood therapies. In the absence of screening tests or effective therapies to treat this disease, a formidable worldwide public health challenge lies ahead to prevent new infections, accurately assess infection rates and treat infected patients.
PMID: 16445812 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
說老實話,這次先不談科學,讀過愈多有關prion的學術論文,就愈覺得這個東西的可怕變態程度真的超乎人類常識認知的想像,難怪Stanley Prusiner不敢再吃美國牛肉XD
和鹿的Prion疾病(Chronic wasting disease,簡稱CWD)有關的幾篇評論論文:
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2007 Jun;1772(6):610-8. Epub 2006 Oct 18.
Chronic wasting disease.
Sigurdson CJ, Aguzzi A.
Universitats Spital Zurich, Institute of Neuropathology, Department of Pathology, Schmelzbergstrasse 12, Zurich, Switzerland. csigurd@lamar.colostate.edu
Until recently, chronic wasting disease of cervids, the only prion disease affecting wildlife, was believed to be geographically concentrated to Colorado and Wyoming within the United States. However, increased surveillance has unveiled several additional pockets of CWD-infected deer and elk in 12 additional states and 2 Canadian provinces. Deer and elk with CWD have extensive aggregates of PrP(Sc) not only in the central nervous system, but also in peripheral lymphoid tissues, skeletal muscle, and other organs, perhaps influencing prion shedding. Indeed, CWD is transmitted efficiently among animals by horizontal routes, although the mechanism of spread is unknown. Genetic polymorphisms in the Prnp gene may affect CWD susceptibility, particularly at codon 225 (S/F) in deer and codon 132 (M/L) in elk. Since CWD infects free-ranging animals and is efficiently spread, disease management will be a challenge.
PMID: 17223321 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
PLoS Pathog. 2006 Mar;2(3):e26.
The expanding universe of prion diseases.
Watts JC, Balachandran A, Westaway D.
Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases and Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. david.westaway@utoronto.ca
Prions cause fatal and transmissible neurodegenerative disease. These etiological infectious agents are formed in greater part from a misfolded cell-surface protein called PrP(C). Several mammalian species are affected by the diseases, and in the case of "mad cow disease" (BSE) the agent has a tropism for humans, with negative consequences for agribusiness and public health. Unfortunately, the known universe of prion diseases is expanding. At least four novel prion diseases--including human diseases variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) and sporadic fatal insomnia (sFI), bovine amyloidotic spongiform encephalopathy (BASE), and Nor98 of sheep--have been identified in the last ten years, and chronic wasting disease (CWD) of North American deer (Odocoileus Specis) and Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) is undergoing a dramatic spread across North America. While amplification (BSE) and dissemination (CWD, commercial sourcing of cervids from the wild and movement of farmed elk) can be attributed to human activity, the origins of emergent prion diseases cannot always be laid at the door of humankind. Instead, the continued appearance of new outbreaks in the form of "sporadic" disease may be an inevitable outcome in a situation where the replicating pathogen is host-encoded.
PMID: 16609731 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Vet Pathol. 2005 Sep;42(5):530-49.
Chronic wasting disease.
Williams ES.
Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Wtoming, Laramie, USA.
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a unique transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), white-tailed deer (O. virginianus), and Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni). The natural history of CWD is incompletely understood, but it differs from scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) by virtue of its occurrence in nondomestic and free-ranging species. CWD has many features in common with scrapie, including early widespread distribution of disease-associated prion protein (PrP(d)) in lymphoid tissues, with later involvement of central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral tissues. This distribution likely contributes to apparent efficiency of horizontal transmission and, in this, is similar to scrapie and differs from BSE. Clinical features and lesions of CWD are qualitatively similar to the other animal TSEs. Microscopically, marked spongiform lesions occur in the central nervous system (CNS) after a prolonged incubation period and variable course of clinical disease. During incubation, PrP(d) can be identified in tissues by antibody-based detection systems. Although CWD can be transmitted by intracerebral inoculation to cattle, sheep, and goats, ongoing studies have not demonstrated that domestic livestock are susceptible via oral exposure, the presumed natural route of exposure to TSEs. Surveillance efforts for CWD in captive and free-ranging cervids will continue in concert with similar activities for scrapie and BSE. Eradication of CWD in farmed cervids is the goal of state, federal, and industry programs, but eradication of CWD from free-ranging populations of cervids is unlikely with currently available management techniques.
PMID: 16145200 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
以日本為例,從他們發現狂牛症病牛後就對境內牛隻進行全面普查。然而,事實上,美國農業部從未對美國牛進行全面普查,連隨機抽樣調查都沒有,而是只檢查由業者自行認定與採樣的疑似有問題牛隻。其假設是,假如他們在這些牛隻身上找不到狂牛症,那就更不可能在其它牛隻身上找到狂牛症。(美國食品藥物管理局狂牛症諮詢委員會會議紀錄, http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/06/transcripts/1006-4240t1.htm)
但這樣的假設極不恰當。例如,假設疑似問題牛隻共有八十萬頭,其罹病機率是百萬分之一,而看似健康牛隻共有二千萬頭,其罹病機率是二百萬分之一,則疑似問題牛隻罹病的期望值是0.8頭,而看似健康牛隻的罹病期望值卻是10頭。換句話說,如此一來,即使對全體疑似問題牛隻進行普查,也不見得能找到病牛,但在此同時卻極可能還有10頭病牛沒有被發現。至於,疑似問題牛隻數量與看似健康牛隻數量相比,真有那麼懸殊嗎?的確很懸殊,因為感染狂牛症的病牛必須等到兩三歲大時,才可能會開始出現症狀,然而牛隻們卻沒什麼機會長到那麼大。「比較年輕的牛隻是會被傳染而且具有傳染力的,然而牠們在開始出現症狀前就會被宰殺供人類食用了。...換句話說,美國沒有發現其它狂牛病牛的原因,可能是因為我們美國人已經吃掉所有的證據了。」(Greger, 2003, http://www.organicconsumers.org/madcow/greger123103a.cfm)
事實上,美國發現的第一頭狂牛症病牛,就是一隻看似健康的牛。根據美國的新聞報導,牧場工作人員David Louthan表示,那是頭"perfectly good walking cow",之所以會被送去檢測,「完全是巧合」(just a fluke):當他發現那頭牛被誤送到拖車上時,因為趕著下班,懶得再把牠帶出來,就直接用槍把牠殺了,所以這頭牛才會陰錯陽差地被送去檢測。後來這位員工由於害怕自己染上狂牛症,因此到處寫信告知此件事情的真相,結果沒多久就被牧場解雇了,USDA(美國農業部)人員還到他家門口守候,甚至有配槍的 USDA人員把他帶到車上質問「你到底想怎樣?」(What do you want?)(2004年2月6日,http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4198248)
請參閱"First North American death of Mad Cow disease reported"(http://www.mapcruzin.com/news/rtk080802c.htm)一文。該文作者是加拿大人,講的是剛好發生在他家附近的北美洲第一位被提報的狂牛症致死病例(人)的故事。這個病例在過世好幾個月後相關的新聞才爆發開來。由於這個病例是在過世之後才被檢驗出死於vCJD(新庫賈氏症或人類海綿狀腦症),但是當初用來醫治此病例的內試鏡後來也被用在其他七十幾位病患身上。由於vCJD會經由輸血傳染,醫院害怕將來被這些無辜的病患控告醫療疏失,因此主動通知這些病患相關的風險,整件事情才爆發開來。
或許您會說這是發生在加拿大的故事,與美國有什麼關係嗎?有的,因為美國也是一樣,並沒有強制規定醫師與醫院一定要提報疑似的病例。「美國疾病管制局並沒有實施全國性的規範來要求醫師與醫院提報此病的病例。」(Steve Mitchell, 2003, http://www.rense.com/general47/spor.htm)
1. 檳榔:個人嗜吃檳榔會導致口腔癌,但不會影響到其他人,因此公權力不介入。
2. 酒:個人酗酒除了傷身外,酒後開車會造成公共危險,因此明令禁止並取締,有些國家甚至禁止在室外公共場合喝酒,例如澳洲。
3. 香菸:個人抽煙除了傷身外,二手煙對旁人的毒害更嚴重,因此我國已明令禁止在公共場合抽煙。
4. 牛肉:個人嗜吃牛肉(紅肉)可能會增加罹癌的風險,但不會影響到其他人,因此公權力不應介入也沒有介入。
5. 美國牛絞肉:個人嗜吃美國牛絞肉具有罹患狂牛症的風險,然而狂牛症變性蛋白已被證實會經由輸血傳染,而且美國牛肉與其他牛肉無法輕易分辨,牛絞肉更可能混入其他食品加工品(例如火腿、貢丸、素料等),使所有國人皆暴露在狂牛症的風險之中,那麼,公權力應不應該介入呢?
至於台美利益交換的問題,如果我們現在對美貿易的順差就已經很多,那麼有必要退讓以獲得什麼更進一步的利益呢?就貿易上的利益來說,頂多是某些對美出口商藉此可減少關稅等相關出口成本,那麼,除了這些出口商,以及有買相關公司股票的人以外,其他人能得到什麼利益?即使相關公司的員工,也不見會因為大老闆賺更多錢而跟著加薪,其他普羅大眾就更不用說了。另外,若將此歸因於世界貿易組織WTO的規範,那就更說不通了。中國、紐西蘭、澳洲等其他國家也有加入 WTO,但卻可以堅守自己的主權,拒絕開放美國牛絞肉進口。