2009年3月12日 星期四

Miracle Drug - U2


Miracle Drug說的是一個真實的奇蹟,是關於愛爾蘭詩人Christopher Nolan的傳奇。Christopher Nolan和U2成員念過同一所高中,他出生時因他母親難產,缺氧了兩個小時,導致嚴重腦性痲痺而全身癱瘓。他的母親一直悉心照料他,並且沒有放棄治療他的希望。後來醫生找到一種藥物,使他的頸部肌肉恢復功能,歌名Miracle Drug即指那藥物。不過,Christopher Nolan仍然只能移動眼球和轉動頭部。Christopher Nolan的頭部裝了一個特殊裝置,讓他可以轉動頭部而指出他想要挑選的字來和外界溝通。儘管身患嚴重障礙,Christopher Nolan在15歲就創作了第一部詩集Dam Burst of Dreams,有詩評家認為那部詩集足以和愛爾蘭大詩人葉慈(William Butler Yeats, 1865-1939)及詹姆斯‧喬伊斯(James Joyce, 1882-1941)的詩作相提並論。Christopher Nolan於今年2月20日逝世,享年43歲。


We all went to the same school and just as we were leaving, a fellow called Christopher Nolan arrived. He had been deprived of oxygen for two hours when he was born, so he was paraplegic. But his mother believed he could understand what was going on and used to teach him at home. Eventually, they discovered a drug that allowed him to move one muscle in his neck. So they attached this unicorn device to his forehead and he learned to type. And out of him came all these poems that he'd been storing up in his head. Then he put out a collection called Dam-Burst of Dreams, which won a load of awards and he went off to university and became a genius. All because of a mother's love and a medical breakthrough.

Miracle Drug收錄在2004年推出的專輯How to Dismantle an Atomic BombHow to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb總共拿下八座葛萊美獎,所有被提名的項目都得獎,極為風光。How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb奪得2006年Album of the Year和Best Rock Album,Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own奪得Song of the Year和Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal,City of Blinding Lights奪得Best Rock Song。


Miracle Drug的歌詞:

I want a trip inside your head
Spend the day there...
To hear the things you haven't said
And see what you might see

I wanna hear you when you call
Do you feel anything at all?
I wanna see your thoughts take shape
And walk right out

Freedom has a scent
Like the top of a new born baby's head

The songs are in your eyes
I see them when you smile
I've seen enough I'm not giving up
On a miracle drug

Of science and the human heart
There is no limit
There is no failure here sweetheart
Just when you quit...

I am you and you are mine
Love makes no sense of space
And time...will disappear
Love and logic keep us clear
Reason is on our side, love...

The songs are in your eyes
I see them when you smile
I've had enough of romantic love
I'd give it up, yeah, I'd give it up
For a miracle, a miracle drug, a miracle drug

God I need your help tonight

Beneath the noise
Below the din
I hear your voice
It's whispering
In science and in medicine
"I was a stranger
You took me in"

The songs are in your eyes
I see them when you smile
I've had enough of romantic love
I'd give it up, yeah, I'd give it up
For a miracle, miracle drug

Miracle, miracle drug


The Sky of Gene - U2

